Achievement Club Code of Ethics

Effective date: January 10, 2021


Land Acknowledgement

Achievement Club is an online coaching and education community platform committed to helping humans grow into their full potential. Our leaders have the privilege to live, work, and play in Treaty 7 territory, traditional lands of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut'ina nations, as well as the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3 within the historical Northwest Métis homeland.

Our Code of Ethics

We at Achievement Club believe that we can't do this work without being a space where the potential and worth of EVERY human is recognized, respected, and celebrated. This must include Black, brown, and Indigenous lives, LGBTQIA+ lives, and disabled lives. None of us may reach our full potential until we are all able to.

This means that Achievement Club (AC), and all partnerships undertaken in association with AC will always abide by this code of ethics:

We stand for equity, inclusion, and love without judgment. We are an anti-racist community.
Human connection is at the core of what we do and we believe that must include respect for every human. This means that:

  • racism, prejudice, and inequitable biases and behaviours will be addressed. 
  • we welcome and respect non-binary individuals, and strive to use inclusive language as our default 
  • while we believe all humans are capable of growth regardless of past actions, all participants will agree to uphold this value during their time in AC without exception.

We are committed to cultivating a liberatory consciousness.

This means that we focus on four concepts: Awareness, Analysis, Action, and Accountability.

Awareness & Analysis we develop through education. Our leadership commits to attending training, reading books and articles, and attending events provided by BIPOC educators and creators on these subjects on a quarterly basis. Once our 2021 education plan is finalized, we will link it here.

Action includes the commitment to address any inappropriate communication, and remove any members found in violation of this policy. We are working to create a scholarship program, and will link details here when available.

Accountability comes through the posting and updating of this ethics page, and the open invitation for curious discussion and constructive criticism of our work.

To put it plainly: Achievement Club does not tolerate any level of racism, sexism, or discrimination. Period.

If any partnership or agreement made with AC fails to uphold these ethics, it will be subject to review and potential termination.

Contact Us

If you have questions about these ethics, reach out.

If you see us falling short of our commitments here, contact us below.


Thank you for being the type of human who protects their fellow Achievers. We are better because of you.